Unlocking Animal Happiness

Fur-Free Flanders: Advancing the Welfare of Wild Animals

Flanders implemented a ban on fur farming due to ethical concerns and significant animal welfare issues, such as distressing behaviors and substandard living conditions that failed to meet the natural needs of minks. Scientific insights led to the conclusion that these issues could not be resolved by merely altering existing cages or management practices. By mid-2021, all mink breeding was halted in Flemish fur farms, and by December 1, 2023, fur farms were legally outlawed in Flanders.

200,000 Animals

200,000 Minks


Following the introduction of a prohibition on fur-bearing animals by the Flemish legislator on March 22, 2019, fur farming in Flanders underwent a significant transformation.[1] Prior to this decision 17 fur farms operated in the region, collectively raising and slaughtering approximately 200,000 minks annually for their fur. [2]

Ethics and Science Leading the Way

Flanders has arrived at an important ethical crossroads, with the society no longer condoning the slaughter of animals for luxury goods like fur coats. Furthermore, comprehensive scientific research has underscored serious welfare issues for mink in fur farms. Confinement within cages and current management practices fail to meet the natural needs of these wild animals, leading to distressing behaviors like stereotyping and self-mutilation. The substandard living conditions do not encourage or enable natural behaviours such as exploration, swimming, or climbing. Taking into account these scientific insights, the Flemish legislator concluded that these welfare issues cannot be effectively addressed resolved simply by altering existing cages or management practices.[3] Consequently, a ban on fur farms, rooted in ethical and scientific principles, was enacted in Flanders.

By mid-2021, all mink breeding has been completely halted in Flemish fur farms, with all operators choosing a cessation scheme before the April 1, 2021 deadline, which offered higher compensation payments for early submissions. [4] After this date, authorities offered reduced compensation. Finally, on December 1, 2023, fur farms were legally outlawed in Flanders.[5]

[1] Article 9bis of the Flemish version of the Belgian Animal Welfare Law (1986) in Flemish stipulates a prohibition on initiating, operating, or maintaining fur farms. Further, a phase-out plan has been implemented, which permitted existing fur farms to continue their operations under specific conditions until November 30, 2023.

[2] Draft decree prohibiting the keeping of fur animals and the production of foie gras by force-feeding, Flemish Parliament 2018-2019, no. 1804/1, 4 (Original source in Dutch) 3.

[3] Ibid. 3.

[4] E-mail correspondence with the Flemish Animal Welfare Department, 18 August 2022.

[5] Article 9bis of the Flemish version of the Belgian Animal Welfare Law (1986).